Writing prompts for clarity and focus

Get guidance on your personal journey. Write with our journal prompts or use your own.

Pick a prompt

A good prompt reminds you what matters

Pick a prompt and set a writing schedule. Get writing reminders to keep you focused on what's important.


Structure for
personal growth

Every time you answer a prompt is a chance to change your mind.

  • Revisit prompts on a schedule you set.
  • Review your previous answers together.
  • Create your own prompts.
Write mode with UI

Prompt categories

Not all prompts need to be revisited on a consistent schedule. Find the perfect one-time prompt based on your current interests and goals below.

Deepen your relationships

Solid relationships are the foundation of a happy life.

Develop self-awareness

A strong sense of self can help you make better decisions.

Kickstart your creativity

Prompts to get you thinking from a different perspective.

Manage difficult emotions

Feelings that frighten us sometimes have something to teach, too.

Clarify your goals

Goals are easier to achieve when you can visualize them clearly.